That Pebble <3

Monday, June 6, 2011

Things to do:

  1. Clean up my desk
  2. sell my manga
  3. go ice skating
  4. bikini shopping!
  5. earn at least $250 from work
  6. Plan farewell party
  7. spend time with people
  8. visit the beach again
  9. hotel night with sisters
  10. do up presents
  11. shop for my wants :D
  12. do 50 crunches everyday and get an awesome flat tummy for bikinis :D
  13. finish art requests

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


^^irrelevant :D
Bold what applies to you.
* I’m loud. (deafanately)
* I’m sarcastic.
* I cry easily.
* I have a bad temper.
* I’m easy to get along with.
* I have more enemies than friends.
* I’ve smoked.
* I drink coffee.
* I clean my room daily.
My appearance:
* I wear makeup. (every once in a while)
* I wear a piece of jewelry at all times.
* I wear contacts.
* I wear glasses.
* I have braces.
* I change my hair color often.
* I have a piercing.
* I have small feet.
* I’m in a relationship right now. (HELL YEAH :D)
* I’m single
* I’m crushin’.
* I’ve missed an ex before.
* I’m always scared of being hurt.
* I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
* I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.
* I’ve been in love more than two times.
* I believe in love at first sight.

* I have a best friend.
* I have at least ten REAL friends.
* I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend.
* I’ve beaten up a friend.
* I’ve been in a serious argument with a friend.
* I can trust at least five people with my life.
* I’ve been on a plane.
* I’ve taken a taxi.
* I’ve taken a bus.
* I’ve taken a school bus.
* I’ve made a speech.
* I’ve been in some sort of club.
* I’ve won an award.
* I’ve spent 24 hours straight on the computer
* I listen to R&B
* I listen to pop.
* I listen to techno.
* I listen to rock
* I’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until I hate it.
* I download music.
* I buy CD’s.

* I spend at least six hours a day watching television. 
* I’ve seen and liked the O.C.
* I’ve seen and liked One Tree Hill.
* I’ve seen and liked America’s Next Top Model.
Family Life:
* I get along with both of my parents.
* My biological parents are still together.
* I have at least one brother.
* I have at least one sister. (I have 3 fuck shit)
* I’ve ran away from home
* I’ve sworn at my parents.
* I’ve made my parents cry.
* I’ve lied to my parents.
* I’ve lied to my parents about where I am.
* I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing.
* I’ve lied to my parents so I’d be allowed out.
* I’ve had streaks.
* I’ve cut my hair in the past year.
* I’ve dyed my hair in the past year.
* I’ve had blond streaks.
* I’ve been blond
* I’ve had black. ( i am )
* I’ve been a ginger.
* I’ve been light brown.
* I use conditioner.
* I’ve curled my hair.
* I’ve straightened my hair

Credits to wennie~

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Lion king musical

watched lion king with mom, cheryl and aunties and uncles.
OMG its damn nice!!!! little simba is sooo cute! ^^
i really loved the props, costumes and the singing was sooooooo damn good! every single one of them!
<3 hahahaha
well mye is coming in a week. yes as usual yckss is the last schol to start the exams always.
study and revise well ppl!!! jia yous!

Monday, May 2, 2011

100 things about me.

  1. I have a habit of stuttering when i stop thinking
  2. I like to be alone but i hate being lonely
  3. I can't understand myself sometimes
  4. I am versatile when it comes to surroundings
  5. I usually blame myself
  6. I hate being talked about be it good or bad
  7. I try so hard to do things right but it usually ends up wrong
  8. I prefer to tackle problems than avoid situations
  9. I usually keep calm no matter how bad it is
  10. I prefer to be a leader than a follower
  11. I don't show emotions much
  12. I like the dark more than the light
  13. I follow trends that I like
  14. I get affected easily
  15. Once i get to know you, it's not hard to read your face
  16. I can be crazy and emotionless depending on how people react to me
  17. I can only learn things after experiencing it
  18. Singing always calms me down
  19. I believe in ghosts and spirits but not miracles
  20. I'm a catholic but I'm still skeptical about God
  21. My premonitions usually come true
  22. I'm a shy person although it doesn't look like it
  23. I like simplicity
  24. Some of my wishes came true before
  25. I believe that my true friend doesn't exist
  26. I don't like gossipping yet I find it the best way to communicate
  27. I do things halfway
  28. It's too easy to win my heart
  29. I'm a gullible person
  30. It's safe to say the opposite sex is one of my weakest points
  31. I have yet to see my true self
  32. i relieve stress by sleeping or eating(alot)
  33. One of my great fears is failing the ones i love
  34. Nobody can understand me
  35. I underestimate people alot
  36. I cry very easily
  37. I dont usually make sense
  38. the colour chocolate brown with cream makes my heart melt
  39. I prefer chocolates to sweets
  40. I like chilli
  41. I cant eat rice w/o gravy/sauce
  42. i tend to say yes although i don't understand/cant hear the question
  43. i change very easily but i cant control the change

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Now that's true love.

'That's why he sings so well. He's singing to you'

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Follow my lead


Just a day ago, we felt something that can't be explained.
I actually understood what those expressive phrases you write in your essays actually mean. Like when you say It felt like a dream, Cat caught your tongue or Spellbound.
It felt amazing. I actually knew how it feels to really cry out of sheer joy and happiness.
No, i didn't cry because of the award. I cried because all the pain, tears, laughter, blood and once again, pain paid off. It's hard to explain. I thought that i was really happy when we got off the stage because to us, we did really well despite the flat notes and rushed parts of the song.
I didn't think i could be any happier.
Yes. We believe that the journey is what matters. It's not about the destination. The award we give ourselves is what matters. But i am guilty that a small 1% of me still bothered about what the judges felt.
When it was announced, the first thing that came to my mind was 'are you fucking serious?'our great performance met the judges' criteria. The seniors are able to leave and graduate happily. we had touched people's hearts with our voices. I couldnt breathe. tears fell as i embraced tosca. Unexpected it was.
We actually did it with pure bondness and love for each other. This experience has helped us all understand the choir and every one of us alot more.

I believe that every single one of us, be it drama, dance or band had won.
I am writing this down to tell people to not give up. You fall, you get back up and push yourself harder. look forward to victories that may come unexpectedly.
To every single performing arts: Continue to give your best for the nest SYFs. Show those judges what you're made of and don't compare!. :)

Monday, April 18, 2011


Its finally sunday.. 17th april.
the day the aussies leave to go home. they're in the airplane now. i miss them already :(
i miss the sexy monkey chants, aussie cheers, C.C signs. the teachers doing C.C signs when they dont even know wtf it means, Team ryan and team connor, table hitting, everyone!!!
the past week has been soooo damn fun with them... im kind of ready to fail my common tests :x
yes. dont worry i'm gonna try my best to catch up with everyone.
i wish the knox babes and hunks a safe trip home :'(

Monday, April 11, 2011

Star struck

The past few days have been exhausting. It's great to finally meet up with the australians :)
Many have changed like grew taller... Jess is still the same as ever :) Hot as always.
Well we visited vivocity and bugis street with them ytd. i managed to shop abit ^^
Fistly, thanks to tosca for lending me her extra starbucks tee when i was afraid my tank top would be rejected :)
thanks to angeline and cherie who suggested and paid for my herbal tea for my cough which was disgusting but helpful xD
my voice is like.. GONE. my singing voice i mean. depressing aint it? :(
sucks you know. the feeling when everyone else sounds great as always when they sing and reach high parts and ur like: where the fuck is the magic i feel when i sing? its torturing when i sing :(
went to kampong glam, little india and china town. rained abit but we still shopped :)
visited buddhist, hindu and muslim temples./ my first time entering xD haha.kinda cool.
they hated durian taste :((((((((((( SADDED. they think it tastes like peee :( LOL.
can't wait for tmr....

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Taste of cherry chapsticks

The worst thing

fucking got a sorethroat :( michelle got back from beijing and passed it to me _l_
syf is in a week and wtf? i like a sexy chicken -.-
soooo today went to school for make up lessons for poa since i will be missing all the lesosns next week with the other aussie hosts. :/
after lesson, went to sean's house with oli and glen
had lady and tramp's saliva on our clothes. :D lol.
watched paranomal activities 2. it's kinda interesting O: and abit scary.
glen wears his boxers out of the house to play bball -.-
i realised that my cough is better when im out of the house. when u came back, my throat pain again ad i sound even more sexy lol. .____.
i bet later tonight i go out again i sound alot better lor

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I think I wanna marry you

Today was international friendship day celebration.. :) it was boring but it wasted time and we didnt have to attend much lessons :) wait thats a bad thing -.-
had my first frisbee fiesta match against 3A1. it was fruitful and challanging. :)
although there were some disagreements and petty things but it was kinda fun :)
played abit of dodge ball.. fun game ;D
then played a friendly match against the teacher team :D it was really fun
ms wong likes to scream alot LOL. as usual.
managed to tie with them haha. not bad yeah :)
stayed in school till 8pm for the parent meeting for melbourne students visit.
damn shag now.. lucky no hw due tmr. >< jia you 3e3!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Drip, Drop

Let the rain wash away your pain.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Chii :)

Like a rocketeer

I had one of the most embarrassing things happen to me in the morning right in front of the school :(
ugh dont wanna talk about it. its not getting caught for my ankle socks and having to waste $2 on fcking high socks. thats nth special haha ._.
had birthday celebration in class after sch again.was pretty fun :D
cool to watch some ppl bboy or shuffle on the dance floor with music booming in the class xD
then we got ready for our personal frisbee training by oliver haha.
practiced at the field. was really fun and we inmproved alot but it was damn tiring.
i'm having muscle aches and im damn tired T_T

I'm really happy and fortunate to have such great TCs this year.they're really kind and awesome people i really love mr chiang and ms wong :')
I'm really happy to be a part of 3e3. We're bonded and we really do almost everything together.
We're a small class but together we have big hearts
Our TCs have done such great jobs in bringing us closer together and keeping our class a united team.
But of course. I will always miss my beloved 2e1. nothing beats my buddies there :(
i miss ms lu. i miss pua chu kang shows. i miss the pizza parties. i miss the stupid horny things we joke in class. i miss being a noisy and playful class even though we're suppose to be the 'best' class.
:') memories.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Love is a battlefield

Exorsism of Emily Rose is sooo awesome
u should watch it :D
Ytd had exhange with the band.
choir didnt do relaly well :( i think its because of our position cos we had to squeeze for the band to come in..
they played damn nice! much better than 2 years ago!
why the hell do u guys say ur COP or bronze?? ><
sch has been okay... my grades have been going up and down.. :/
ranted to sean today.. haix :( it just burst out. thanks for making me feel better :D
lesson learnt. always log off ur fb accounts ANYWHERE.
back to tumblr~ :D

Monday, March 28, 2011

koizora: sky of love

Hiro - " I wish I was the sky , so I can immediately find where you are and protect you .

Hiro: Where do humans go after they die?
Mika: Heaven.
Hiro: I want to be the sky. So I always know where you are.
Mika: Like a stalker.
[Hiro smiles]
Mika: Clear skies will mean you are happy. Rain will mean you're crying. Sunset means you are embarrassed. Night will mean you are gently holding me.

IM FALLING IN LOVE WITH THIS AGAIN T_T its been 4 years since i last saw this movie again and i keep crying!! ARGGH u better find it on and watch!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sweet 15

Valerie has nice hair

the photo makes me look skinny! :D


Credits to abraham for photos. i have awesome photos that will be uploaded in a long time :)

Had a ball of a time at amanda's chalet ytd and this morning :)
1. after cat class, manada's parents brought me, valerie and nicole to the chalet first while the rest took mrt there xD
2. Human centipede i sknown as humans on the beach to nicole. :D hung around the beach went back to the beach when they arrived
3. laughed and got scared at snake holes made on the sand ._.
4. got abit wet
5. michael has sexy legs ._. hahaha
6. threw rocks of many different sizes into sea
7. played ice and melt at the playground
8. my poor bball was being bounced and abandoned everywhere :(
9. went back to eat. Lesson learnt. dont use foam plates. they're brittle and cause you to topple ur food for no reason making you look like a idiot.
10. Earth hour failed.
11. Cake was awesome :D
12. st nicks girls are as noisy as ever
13. nicole scared the hell out of me valerie and nuts ._.
14. awesome Truth or dare + spin the bottle session. :D
15. played pool and bowled till 12am
16. everyone was gone by 12.15am. i was the only one who ton at the chalet with amanda and family xD
17. H2H session in the wee hours of the night :)

I love you manda!! <3

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sweet lullaby

The sand between my toes remind me of that moment..