That Pebble <3

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Just a day ago, we felt something that can't be explained.
I actually understood what those expressive phrases you write in your essays actually mean. Like when you say It felt like a dream, Cat caught your tongue or Spellbound.
It felt amazing. I actually knew how it feels to really cry out of sheer joy and happiness.
No, i didn't cry because of the award. I cried because all the pain, tears, laughter, blood and once again, pain paid off. It's hard to explain. I thought that i was really happy when we got off the stage because to us, we did really well despite the flat notes and rushed parts of the song.
I didn't think i could be any happier.
Yes. We believe that the journey is what matters. It's not about the destination. The award we give ourselves is what matters. But i am guilty that a small 1% of me still bothered about what the judges felt.
When it was announced, the first thing that came to my mind was 'are you fucking serious?'our great performance met the judges' criteria. The seniors are able to leave and graduate happily. we had touched people's hearts with our voices. I couldnt breathe. tears fell as i embraced tosca. Unexpected it was.
We actually did it with pure bondness and love for each other. This experience has helped us all understand the choir and every one of us alot more.

I believe that every single one of us, be it drama, dance or band had won.
I am writing this down to tell people to not give up. You fall, you get back up and push yourself harder. look forward to victories that may come unexpectedly.
To every single performing arts: Continue to give your best for the nest SYFs. Show those judges what you're made of and don't compare!. :)

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