That Pebble <3

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The worst thing

fucking got a sorethroat :( michelle got back from beijing and passed it to me _l_
syf is in a week and wtf? i like a sexy chicken -.-
soooo today went to school for make up lessons for poa since i will be missing all the lesosns next week with the other aussie hosts. :/
after lesson, went to sean's house with oli and glen
had lady and tramp's saliva on our clothes. :D lol.
watched paranomal activities 2. it's kinda interesting O: and abit scary.
glen wears his boxers out of the house to play bball -.-
i realised that my cough is better when im out of the house. when u came back, my throat pain again ad i sound even more sexy lol. .____.
i bet later tonight i go out again i sound alot better lor

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