That Pebble <3

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I think I wanna marry you

Today was international friendship day celebration.. :) it was boring but it wasted time and we didnt have to attend much lessons :) wait thats a bad thing -.-
had my first frisbee fiesta match against 3A1. it was fruitful and challanging. :)
although there were some disagreements and petty things but it was kinda fun :)
played abit of dodge ball.. fun game ;D
then played a friendly match against the teacher team :D it was really fun
ms wong likes to scream alot LOL. as usual.
managed to tie with them haha. not bad yeah :)
stayed in school till 8pm for the parent meeting for melbourne students visit.
damn shag now.. lucky no hw due tmr. >< jia you 3e3!!

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