That Pebble <3

Monday, April 11, 2011

Star struck

The past few days have been exhausting. It's great to finally meet up with the australians :)
Many have changed like grew taller... Jess is still the same as ever :) Hot as always.
Well we visited vivocity and bugis street with them ytd. i managed to shop abit ^^
Fistly, thanks to tosca for lending me her extra starbucks tee when i was afraid my tank top would be rejected :)
thanks to angeline and cherie who suggested and paid for my herbal tea for my cough which was disgusting but helpful xD
my voice is like.. GONE. my singing voice i mean. depressing aint it? :(
sucks you know. the feeling when everyone else sounds great as always when they sing and reach high parts and ur like: where the fuck is the magic i feel when i sing? its torturing when i sing :(
went to kampong glam, little india and china town. rained abit but we still shopped :)
visited buddhist, hindu and muslim temples./ my first time entering xD haha.kinda cool.
they hated durian taste :((((((((((( SADDED. they think it tastes like peee :( LOL.
can't wait for tmr....

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