That Pebble <3

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Screw up

What a way to start the year..
I'm really such a screw up. :( i screwed everything up...
all my common test were below what i expected. _l_
i failed like.. 2 or 4 papers...
tmr getting my art paper bk. i have a bad feeling cos i didnt finish...
I really dont deserve to be cataorised under the banded one class.
Every year i dont seem to do well in the beginning of the year. I only improve alot after the mid term.
I hope that hypothesis is right :/
i took my IC photo at the photo booth just now with bernice and ate dinner with her.
screwed up my photo also. its NOT ACCEPTABLE for ICs. =.=
so i wasted $7. gonna take another one soon.
I dont even know how to do my first history hw -.-
i feel lousy.. :( a good night's sleep or a hug from him will make everything better.
FML. (for now)

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