That Pebble <3

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hot and Cold

Haix. i keep getting pissed at every little thigng nowadays.
Spent the day well i guess.. :)
hope my art can do well for ppr1 and CT! ><
dk why take so long to mark CT..
During math period, mr chiang didnt do math with us today :DD
instead we took photos of us representing each of the school values for decorating the classroom. xD
was abit tiring cos we had to take quite a few pics..
but it was fun :)
after sch.. went to eat lunch with fik, chops, hannah, oliver, syafiq and nas to wwait for azalea to finish band so we can film part of the nyaa vid
slacked at macs till 6 when she finally came ><

At macs while waiting...
  • i redeem my free drink from mac cafe
  • syafiq took uglam vid of me drinking my caramel frappe -.-
  • did abit of homework
  • borrwed oli's shirt and took IC photo. Screwed but acceptable. didnt pin up frindge properly. IDFC ALREADY.
  • we got really bored.. so i intro a number game when each person count from 1 onwards. If 2 ppl say the number at same time then kenna couple shot (coke/salt+sugar+pepper).. when i couple shot with hannah, i laughed will drinking in one shot then 'vommit' all the coke out -.- came out from my nose too. LOl. -.- bad experience with coke hahaha. the salt pepper sugar mix was.. disgusting. haha
  • was fun xD killed time alot..

Left to NTUC when azalea finally arrived.
film the shopping.. blablabla
hannah fik and syafiq went home. We went fo dinner at food fare.
I had another living nightmare with the prawns of my hokkien mee -.-
when i want peel, the prawn fly here and there.
gave up and swallowed the shell.
played turth or dare for awhile.. had to lick the window -.-
then went home :)

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