That Pebble <3

Saturday, January 29, 2011

dont rain on my parade

I miss the usual You. :(

Went for tuition.. once again was loaded with a shitload of hw.
went home to change and meet wennie to go mini shopping for stuffs :)
bussed to hubs and ate lunch at foodfare...
ate hokkien mee and had trouble with the prawns again -.- stupid shells.
gave up on the prawn in the end anyway.
then some uncle was at our table watching us eat... -.- and said my wallet was very cute cos it had lotsa hearts on it(in chinese) wtf. like some cheekopek. harhar. ._.
mrteed to somerset and walked to cine :) tried to find some shop(u know the one on wheels? tat kinda small shop?)
but it was closed... so we walked and shopped abit (REGRET.)
the shop stil havent open.. so we walk to taka...
stalked cute ahbengs. xD it was fate. we keep bumping into them xD LOL. but my baby still best la.. :)
wanted to use my art friend voucher. so i bought a copic ciao blender and a scheduler.
in the end cant use the voucher so ended up bombing my wallet...
we made our way to lucky plaza to find 3 for $10 stuff..
walked up and down and up again to get there -.-
in the end the things we wanted no longer there...
walked back to cine to check on the sho one more time.. but STILL CLOSED. _l_
so we take neos :) hehehe.
then went to 313.. ate abit at superdog.. took unglams and stupid photos xD
mrteed and bussed home. :)

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