That Pebble <3

Friday, January 28, 2011


Why'd you i have to go and make things so complicated?

its SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO frustrating... teachers dont wanna give common test papers back :(
the nervousness and suspense can kill me.. lol.
so far i only got my english back.. and it sucked. -.- my sentence structure like shit sia. i dont deserve to be in Banded 1.
i wanna go hospital visit Q! >< haix... i really hope he okay.

Goals before march holidays:
  1. Be satisfied and get NYAA camp over and done with
  2. Read finish my book of phsycology( i wanna read it but i lazy flip the page -.-)
  3. Collect ang pao
  4. Improve my art
  5. Do something for him :)
  6. Get well before CNY..

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