That Pebble <3

Friday, March 4, 2011

Making a mountain out of a molehill

AAAHHHHH like seriously FML. -.-
why must today be so suckish.. :(
firstly, some stupid hornet/giant bee visit my class dur ing SL and ouldnt get out, causing me(and other ppl) to look like crazy idiots dancing electro and limbo ._.
secondly, i got like.. 4/20 for chinese ct.. lol expected. -.- wrote out of point
thirdly, cos of me some stupid matter become big -.- wtf
lastly, i slightly sprained my vulnerable left ankle which was sprained before.. =.=
eff the stupid hole in the grass la..
i really needed him at that point of time cos the 2 ding dongs who helped me couldnt do much xD what can they do? haha but i must really thank them for helping me. :))
Thanks to Tosca, Bernice, Inez, Jiadong and Derrick <3
and to you, i love you <3

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