That Pebble <3

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Be happy

Instead of harping over what you don't have,
think of what you already have..

Went to Thompson plaza to buy alot of stuff from popular with melissa..
then headed to church for cat class. (:
class wasn't so bad today. Had fun with michael and eugene. w/o them i'd be so lonely in class w/o amanda and the rest :(
i swear edward is such a retarded dick. LOL -.-
when i went into dad's car after cat class, realised i left all the $30 worth popular things in class -.-
went home to get homework for library then rushed bk to church.
aunty lucy wouldnt pick up.. :( so i prayed she kept it safe lol
headed to J8 around 6 to meet bernice (:
went to dinner at MOS then Bishan library.
when the library closed, we walked bk to j8 to get YAMI yoghurt.
then we came across a mentally disabled boy around our age with his mother. They didnt know how to use the ID photo booth and they boy needed a IC photo.
she asked us for help. so we guided them along the process. lol the boy damn cute sia. first try the pic damn epic with his hands up like surrender xDD
the mother mentioned that the previous lady she asked for help ignored her.
but yea. kinda taught me a lesson.
bought gong cha for bernice sis and went home sweet home. (:
moral of storym i love bernice. lol xD

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